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Graduation Project and Design Applications

Graduation Project and Design Applications

MTM4000 Graduation Study Subject Click to specify
MTM4511 Mat. Design Applications Click here to determine the topic. 
Graduation and Mathematical Engineering Design Applications subject determination dates 19 September 2019 - 27 September 2019 at 16:00 hours must be completed by the form.
All students who have completed MTM4000 Graduation and MTM4511 Mathematical Engineering Design Applications are required to do so.
There will be no subject change beyond the specified period.
Note: The subjects of the English program should be in English.
There is no need to submit any petition except the electronic form.
You can find out if the faculty members are in the school by looking at the days of the courses or by calling their room numbers.
Click here for faculty contact information.
2019-2020 Fall Course Schedule
DD-050-Graduation of Mathematical Engineering and Principles of Design Application in Mathematical Engineering